Leland Vaughan is a printmaker, illustrator, graphic designer, + educator based in Portland, OR. They co-own Outlet PDX, a risograph press + community space, where they get to print, teach, + nerd out about printmaking + zines to anyone who will listen. They believe print is a great equalizer in terms of access to information + mutual aid—they consider it their life’s work to make print + design as approachable as possible to everyone.
Leland facilitates workshops, events, + other pop-ups alongside Outlet’s other owner + founder Kate Bingaman-Burt. They also teach graphic design as an adjunct professor at Portland State University, sit on the board of the Independent Publishing Resource Center, + are one of the founding organizers of POP! Printmakers of Portland.
printmaking + illustration + graphic design + zines
outlet pdx
Outlet is part risograph print shop, part store, part illustration studio, part workshop + pop-up event space, part community resource, + part zine library! Opened in 2017, Outlet is the studio of Kate Bingaman-Burt + Leland Vaughan
Come print with us!
I love to teach! Currently I teach group workshops and classes about risograph printing, digital illustration, zine making, page layout & typography. I also love working one-on-one on projects and publications and I’m always happy to do consultations about risograph printing, maintenance, and the joys and trials of running these quirky machines.